Corporate Social Responsibility
As a small business, we believe we have a responsibility to the community, environment and society in which we live and work.
Right from the beginning we have been committed to supporting metal health, physical health, environmental issues and everything else that prevents us from being the people we want to be.
LEAD Careers are proud to support a range of different charities and organisations with the aim of rotating these annually to spread our donations amongst areas closest to our hearts. Throughout 2020,2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 we pledged make monthly donations and this year we have chosen to donate to Water Aid (´Wateraid Charity´) and Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity (“GOSH Charity”).

We can’t fix climate change, but we can help people weather its effects, however extreme. Clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene are basic human rights. They should be a normal part of daily life for everyone, everywhere – but it isnt. As an Environmental Recruitment Company, this cause is close to our hearts and any contribution we can make to help someone, even though we will never meet them, just feels right.

Every day, children and young people from across the UK arrive at Great Ormond Street Hospital to battle the most complex of illnesses. Their Doctors and Nurses work tirelessly in heartbreaking circumstances trying to achieve pioneering medical breakthroughs. This extraordinary hospital has always depended on charitable support to give seriously ill children the best chance to fulfil their potential. Within recruitment, believing in, supporting and doing our best for our upcoming future stars is absolutely essential.
Wish to Donate yourself?
If anyone would like to make a charitable donation personally to either of these Organisations we have placed links to their ´Donate Now´ page for easy access;
Great Ormond Street Hospital